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Third party intervention, assisting conflicting parties to solve their own conflicts.

Our Services


Our training events teach participants skills to communicate effectively when in conflict; they learn how conflict escalates, and how groups can be organized collectively to de-escalate conflicts. Training sessions are tailor-made to the needs of specific groups.


Teaching at tertiary institutions includes short courses, as well as semester courses in conflict transformation, peace and reconciliation. 

Peace building and Reconciliation

Develop and implement strategies for peace and reconciliation.  

Conciliation and Shuttle diplomacy

Third party intervention to encourage difficult and opposing parties to come to the table for problem solving.  

Speaking Engagements with diverse audiences

Opportunities to inspire and share experiences of conflict transformation, peace building and reconciliation, drawing from the South African Truth and Reconciliation process and a range of other experiences.


Facilitated dialogue to help groups with difficult conversations related to racial, ethnic, cultural, religious and other challenging issues, for the purpose of mutual understanding.  

Team building

Help groups to develop and build alliances and sustainable relationships, and a common vision and purpose for better productivity and new directions. 

Race and Culture

Special short- and long-term interventions to address issues of race and culture that divides groups, institutions and communities.

  • Learn how to break down assumptions and develop mutual understanding of the issues and parties involved
  • Learn how to deal with divisive issues such as race and culture in our communities and institutions
  • Learn how to transform conflicts and build sustainable relationships 

Coaching leaders

Coaching leaders of institutions through difficult periods of organizational conflict. It includes work that relates to staff, managers, boards and other related groups.

Contact us for additional information

Margaret Keyser Consulting | | Northampton , MA , 01061 USA | Phone 8606700706

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